(08) 8373 1160 kindergymunley@gmail.com

About & FAQ's

Kindergym Unley.

Our Kindergym. Our Family. Our Community.

Kindergym in Australia began here in Unley.  Local resident Carole Pinnock and her son attended a Kindergym program in California. She was impressed by this program and her son’s development during their two year attendance.

On her return, she searched for a similar program in Adelaide.  Finding none, she contacted the North Unley Neighbourhood Centre and discussed the possibility of setting up a Kindergym in Unley. 

In October 1979 a meeting was held and a steering committee formed.  The committee comprised representatives of North Unley Neighbourhood Centre, directors of child care centres and local kindergartens, officers and councillors from the Unley Council and interested parents. 

In March 1980 Kindergym Unley opened its doors in the Unley Uniting Church Halls with an enrolment of 47 children.  Kindergym Unley has continued to grow and develop with approximately 500 children enrolled each term.  


Are bookings essential?

Yes.  When a session is fully booked we are unable to accommodate any new children.  To make a booking and/or check availability please ring, contact us through the website or our Facebook page.  

Can we have a trial visit?

Yes if the session you would like to join has a vacancy.  If the session is already fully booked we will add you to the waiting list.  When we have a vacancy we will contact you for your trial visit.  Please note that the waiting lists start fresh every term.  

Where do we park?

Parking is available in Edmund Avenue and surrounding streets.

What should my child wear?

Clothes that are suitable for active play e.g. trackies, leggings and shorts.  Please note that children must have bare feet while playing…no shoes, socks or tights. We also ask adults to remove their shoes.  

We can't attend our normal session can we do a make up at another time?

The majority of your visits must be in the session you have booked into.  If you miss your normal session you can do a make up session within the term that the session is missed. Bookigs are essential and please check our session times to ensure your child is not too old for the session you want to attend as a make up.  On occasion a session might be temporarily unavailable for make ups.  These sessions will be listed on the notice board.

I'm a shift worker can you find a session for us?

We have a small number of places available for families who can’t commit to one session time e.g. changing work commitments or medical appointments.  Please talk to staff for more information.  

The big kids have a day off school. Can they come and play too?

Unfortunately for them the answer is no. If older children come to Kindergym they must be alongside you at all times. If they’re home due to sickness please don’t bring them with you. Don’t forget make up sessions are available.

Can more than one adult attend with our child/ren?

Yes. Other important adults e.g. grandparents and visiting family members are more than welcome to come and play with your child/ren.